God's word is a lamp unto my feet!
Thy Word by Amy Grant on GodTube
God's word is a lamp unto my feet! I love this song by Amy Grant! I have always loved her music and voice. I was blessed to see her in concert in Rochester, NY many years ago when she was just starting out. I had song cassettes from her and would listen to them in my Walkman when I jogged. God is always beside us, guiding us, leading us, His word really is a lamp unto our feet when we follow the Bible and His son Jesus! We are called to follow Jesus, to reflect and imitate Him. When we do, our life can be transformed and be a blessing and success as we live by His word, and His will be done. That is what really matters in this life, this Earth School journey! There is nothing we can fear when we have God near in our lives! God really is a light unto my path! Thank you for this song and your discipleship! May we all follow Jesus! https://themiraclesofgod.blogspot.com/
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love