
Showing posts with the label Strength

We Live in a World of Sin, But God is Calling Us, Guiding Us, Leading Us--His Strength and Wisdom, His Will Be Done, is All We Need!

Our Everlasting God is Who Gives Us Power!

Working on a Goal While on This Earth School to Be More Humble, Gentle, Patient, and Loving, Removing any Aggression! Ultimately Peace!

We are Still Here on This Earth For God! We Need to Find Our Strength in Him Alone and Be the Best Disciples While Here!

We Need to .Let our Lives Overflow with Joy and Thanksgiving for all He has Done for Us!

Blessed When We are Humble, Not Prideful, Not Selling Our Souls to the Devil for all of this World!

Seeking the Face of Jesus Only, He is My Strength and Refuge at All Times! What a Blessing!