
Showing posts with the label Universe

Miracles Abound When You Point to God!

Remember this day Only for The Epiphany, Three King's Day, The Wise Men, The Magi: Coming to Bring Gifts to the King of the Universe!

Today is The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe! Let Jesus Be the King of Your Life! Let Him Have Dominion Over Your Life!

I Love the Way the Stars Shine for You and All of Us Too! The Way the Universe is Singing Your Song!

Planets and the Moon Galore! A Peaceful Night to Feel God and to See His Planets in the Universe!

Mathematics is the Language of the Universe: A Real Miracle from God!

God Created this Beautiful Universe and Planet We Live On and Gave Humans Free Will: Humans Will Decide if We Want to Make Heaven Here on Earth!