
Do It All for the Glory of God and Watch the Blessings and Miracles all Come Your Way!

Miracles and Blessings Abound as We are Made in the Image of God

Is Love so Revolutionary Today?

More of God's Blessings and Miracles: I Love Our Beach!

Don't Let Anything or Anyone Steal Your Joy! The Lord is My Joy--What a Blessing and Miracle!

Testify to Love--Psalm 151--From Touched By An Angel and Wynonna----Give Thanks to God Above for All!

Welcomed at the Beach Today by a Cute Squirrel: What a Beautiful Day in Paradise---so Many Blessings and Miracles!

A Person's Vibe Attracts Their Tribe

My Mom Would Have Loved this Puzzle with Birds!

God is Great! I Thank Him for All His Blessings and Miracles Today and Everyday!