
So Many Blessings to Count Again Today!

I Voted! I Did My Civic Duty and Voted as a Citizen of Our Great Country!

So Many Blessings from God Today on This Election Day!

Happy Dia de Los Muretos-All Souls Day!

God Has Promised Us Many Miracles and Blessings and Even Heaven for Those Who are Pure and Righteous in Him!

All Saints Day is Celebrated Today: Let Us Walk a Holy Life, Pure, Saintly, Godly, Christ-like Path of Hope Being in God Always and Knowing He Is In Us!

God is In Control: Give Him the Control and You Will Have More Peace and Happiness in Your Life!

A Wood Stork in Our Window as We Ate at Denny's Last Evening: What a Blessing to See! Maybe He Wanted Some Pancakes?

More Blessings from God Today on Our Canal!