
The Christmas Spirit is alive and well in our home this year. God is so good to us, sending us Jesus to pay homage!

A Prayer for God’s Will!

Jesus offers love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, miracles, healing, and when we eat of what He offers we can all be satisfied!

Do not seek the praise and the notice of other humans, these are not for us, follow the despised Christ!

Believers in Jesus can grow to be more like Him as He helps and guides us. We need to develop a good reputation for Christ!

Jesus knows! He performs miracles for those who have faith! What a blessing!

So many blessings with Christmas on the way! Celebrating the birth of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us! All we need to do is follow, imitate, and reflect Him! Giving Him all the glory!

If people only realized that there are things that will never fade or disappear, they would stop living for material wealth. They would pass by these glittering illusions and seek the true riches. The one who is rich toward God is the real millionaire!