Count Your Blessings and Look for the Miracles in Your Life: Don't Focus or Settle for the Mediocrity, Chaos, and Dysfunction Of Our Material World

Symphony (Official Lyric Video) - Switch on YouTube

 “Don’t settle for anything less than God’s best.”

-Joel Osteen

Easier said than done! Right? Everyday we are bombarded with chaos, dysfunction, and mediocrity coming from all aspects of our life whether work, home, social, out shopping or driving, in a store, with the management company or government agencies, etc. The songs words are powerful and real and include:

"...That even in the madness
There is peace
Drowning out the voices all around me
Through all of this chaos
You are writing a symphony
A symphony..."

 It is easy to get drained and frustrated with the mediocrity of the world. So many people today have no work ethic or high standards. Rules and laws are for everyone else, not for them, so you see people not stopping at a stop sign, running red lights, bringing dogs or drinking alcohol on beaches when the rules say it is prohibited. No one wants law or order and just want to do what they want, we have become egotistical as humans, not thinking about others or the good of all in our world. Dr. Wayne Dyer used to always say when he spoke on his PBS series that EGO stands for edging God out (EGO).  Today we live in a world where so many have abandoned their faith and religion. My friend the other day sent me an article about how in NY they are closing a lot of churches, people are just not going and they cannot sustain them. We still go to church in our family, I have since I was a baby and my parents brought us and raised us as Catholics. My spouse was also raised a Catholic. We are blessed to both share the same faith and both want to welcome God in our lives and participate in mass each week. I also like to watch Joel Osteen each week as my second church. I always find his message uplifting, non-judging, inspiring, and giving so much hope and renewal for my life. Listening to KLove and WAYFM Radio each day helps so much to always stay centered on God, to keep Him first place in my life. I thank my parents for their faith and raising us to the same standard. I thank God my spouse also feels the same way I do. God, Jesus, prayer, our faith, believing, keeping God front in center in our lives is a true blessing. We always try to focus on this. It is hard at times, there is so much mediocrity in our world, there is a lot of disappointment, but we must raise above all of this and be the best we can be and staying in Spirit always. Humans will always disappoint you, God never will. It is important to always look for the miracles God has all around us here. Keep the faith and never settle for nothing less. Life is a learning experience, everyday we are learning about people, life, what we like or agree with, ethics. We start drawing a lot of conclusions based on chaos, dysfunction, mediocrity, what we like and don't like, who we feel good about being around, and how you are treated. God is leading you in the right path, only if you listen and feel what He is telling you to do. No one has to settle for mediocrity, no one ever has to lower their standards or compromise their principles although so many others will today. Money, greed, power all corrupt, they also breed incompetence, ineffectiveness, and chaos and dysfunction. You do not have to be part of all of that. Seek God. Pray hard, put all your faith in the Lord. Someone once told me about the PUSH Principle, PUSH stands for Pray Until Something Happens. Give all your troubles over to God, put your trust in Him. This world may be chaotic, but we are ultimately working toward our life in Eternity with God, we need to stay focused on this goal and never settle for less. Know that God has endless miracles waiting for you, people of good faith. Keep the faith! God's peace is real, it is a miracle for all of us to receive.  Focus only on being part of His symphony while here on Earth!

Dr. Wayne Dyer 1940-2015
