
Showing posts with the label Eternity

There is a Truth, a Promise Older Than the Ages, One Born for Our Salvation, Jesus!

God is Here!

Surrendering Myself to My Father, I Seek the Will of the One Who Made Me!

I Want to Only Be a Friend to God, Not of this World!

Thanking God for a Week of Blessings!

Living for Eternity with Jesus Christ, Doing the Best on Earth School to Follow His Example! It is Not Always Easy!

Serving the Lord, Not Man, He is My Only Master and My Inheritance in Heaven with Him for Eternity is All that Matters!

Blessed When We Sow Righteousness, Our Reward will Reap Much in Heaven as We Spend Eternity with Jesus Christ!

Called to Be Ambassadors for Christ! To Show Others His Grace and How He Offers Us Forgiveness and Eternal Life in Heaven with Him!