Be the Miracle for Others and Yourself and Don't Accept Mediocrity and Just OK!


The Afters -Never Going Back To Ok on YouTube

While the whole world, so many are all about mediocrity and doing things the easy way and half the job they should. We almost have not high standards or work ethic anymore today. So many people have so many excuses or just don't do anything. No one takes responsibility for their actions or has so many excuses for not working hard or doing their best. We cheat, steal, get greedy, do corrupt things, we are selfish and only think of ourselves and not our neighbors. We have allowed mediocrity to take a strong hold in our world. Leaders allow it and think it is ok not to fix things, or service our amenities. They make you work with old and bad technology, or allow your coworkers good off and do nothing and know you will carry the load for all. We see it at work, where we live, in government, and out and about in public, no one really cares anymore and mediocrity seems to rule in our society. It is sad to see so many people going through life rushing to make so much money, to buy a Mercedes or a Porsche to try to act like someone so important even if you didn't finish high school and are insecure and have to have material things to make you feel like you are so important.  But we need to remember it is not the end and we do not have to fall into and be part of this mediocrity at all. We can be a person of honor and of how quality standards in all we do and how we live. You never have to go back to OK, Don't settle for less than God's best for your life. Don't be a part of mediocrity! Instead, be that miracle from God for yourself and others and our world as a whole. Be the best you can be, live the Best your can! 
It is a great song, catchy and a good reminder, enjoy some of the words as follows:

"It's not the end, but it feels like it is
I'm waking up like I'm back from the dead
I'm stepping out, and I feel so free
But as long as I'm moving it's all right
I feel alive, and it hurts for a change
No looking back
It's hard to believe that I was cool
With the days that I wasted
Complacent and tasteless and bored
But that was yesterday
We're never going back to OK (OK)
We're never going back to easy
We're never going back to the way it was
We're never going back to OK
This discontent, like a slap in the face
I'm mediocre, I've had enough of this place
This party's over, and I'm moving away
From the things of your Beverly Hills
That was yesterday
We're never going back to OK (OK)
