I Love the Way God Holds Me! The Blessings and Miracles from Above are so Real and Comforting!


Jamie Grace - Hold Me featuring tobyMac on YouTube

I have always loved this song by Jamie Grace, Hold Me,  since it was released a few years back. It is very catchy and peppy and is a great reminder that God is with us, holding us, looking out for us, and He loves us, forgives us, and His mercy is never ending. When everything else around us falls apart and people abandon you and you feel all alone, know that God is holding you in the palm of His hand and is there for you. He will get you through anything. Never lose faith, God is our blessing and miracle at all times, just recognize Him and give Him thanks and enjoy the Lord holding you and guiding you along the way as we journey on this Earth. Enjoy the song and the message! God loves us so much!
