The True Miracles and Blessings from God We Will Receive are Not of This World: Focus on Heaven and Not This Material World


I think it is so important to be reminded of this everyday as we live here on Earth. We are not from this world and we are going to a better world when we leave this Earth school. We need to realize that we need to be the victor not the victim. here on Earth we tend to focus too much on and have a victim mentality. It is easy to get discouraged or depressed here on Earth. However, it is all temporary as this world is not our world and we are only here temporarily and we are going to a better place, a place of miracles and blessings abound where we do not have to worry about material things or concerns of this world. Don't worry about people trying to bring you down or competition or all the hate, rage, and difficult people trying so hard to get more than you or to buy that Mercedes or Porsche or prove they are better or have more than you. None of that matters. Stay focused on God and His promises for our eternal life with Him. That is what really matters. Never let things of this world get you down or possess you at all, material goods and money and possessions are not what we need as proof to be with God in Eternity. You are truly much more wealthy when have God's grace living in you and are focused on Him and what He wants for you. You are a child of a King, God, from royalty, all your important possessions are in Heaven with your Heavenly Father. You are wearing a crown of favor, get your passion back and know God is in control and He has all the best in store for you, don't worry about things of this Earth and world so much, none of that matters to God.  These are the true miracles and blessings God has in store for your eternal life with Him!  
