Blessed Assurance: Such a Blessing and Miracle, An Eternal Life With God, That is Where I Belong! Hallelujah!


 Where I Belong -  Building 429 on YouTube

I love this song! I am not home yet! This is not where I belong! I feel that way a lot as I get older. I am not of this Earth and I really do not belong here and I look forward to my final destination with God and Jesus Christ and my mother and all my family whom have gone before me! You can take this world, it is not mine and there is nothing I want here, it is not where I belong! It is a crazy, lawless, difficult place to be, the greed, the corruption, the selfishness, the mediocrity, the egos and pretentiousness, none of it is of me or my interest. I just do not want to be around that! Being here on Earth is certainly a learning lesson for all of us! A school, a place to learn, to try to be as much like Jesus as you can, it is difficult and challenging that is for sure! We all need to realize that we are not of this world. There is an eternal life we need to strive to get too after this life school on Earth. God wants us to learn a lot and become more like Jesus. While it is not easy, it is our challenge. It is hard to ignore, but intelligent people need to. It is hard to forgive, but strong people need to. Seeking revenge is never the answer, although many weak people do this. We see it in all levels of business and government today with their mediocre and poor leadership, revenge and retribution seems to be the norm here on Earth. Another Tower of Babel, another Babylonia here on Earth again, complete chaos and dysfunction, greed, corruption, fraud, it all exists here on Earth. It is not where I belong and I thank God and count my blessings that God's blessings and miracles are abound in my life to remind me that I am not of this world, I do not belong here and I just need to learn and withstand some of this, but I have God and an eternal life with Him and my loved ones once I leave this world! Amen. 

The lyrics are as follows:

"Sometimes it feels like I'm watching from the outside
Sometimes it feels like I'm breathing, but am I alive?
I will keep searching for answers that aren't here to find
All I know is I'm not home yet
This is not where I belong
Take this world and give me Jesus
This is not where I belong
So when the walls come falling down on me
And when I'm lost in the current of a raging sea
I have this blessed assurance holding me
All I know is I'm not home yet
This is not where I belong
Take this world and give me Jesus
This is not where I belong
When the earth shakes
I wanna be found in you
When the lights fade
I wanna be found in you
All I know is…"
