God Wants Me! Somehow He Wants Me! The King of Heaven Wants Me, So This World Has Lost It's Grip On Me!

Tenth Avenue North - Control on YouTube

I love this song! I heard it earlier today, we need to turn over all control to God, He is in Control not us. Don't let this world have a grip on you, you are not from here, don't get so consumed by all the crazy stuff of this world. Turn it a over the God. Enjoy the lyrics and song on YouTube, it really is a great song and puts all in perspective with all that is going on today in our world. We all need to turn it all over to God, let Him be the blessing and miracle in your life!  God wants you! He loves you! He is our King of Heaven, where we will end up going! You are a winner! You are blessed, favored, and chosen by God. Let His will be done! Give over control to God and don't let this world take hold of you! You are free when you turn over control to God!

The lyrics are as follows:
"Here I am
All my intentions
All my obsessions
I want to lay them all down
In Your hands
Only Your love is vital
Though I'm not entitled
Still You call me Your child
God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh, how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To take my hands off of my life
And the way it should go
God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh, how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To open my hands up
And give You control
I give You control
I've had plans
Shattered and broken
Things I have hoped in
Fall through my hands
You have plans
To redeem and restore me
You're behind and before me
Oh, help me believe
God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh, how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To take my hands off of my life
And the way it should go, oh
God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh, how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To open my hands up
And give You control
Oh, You want me
Somehow You want me
The King of Heaven wants me
So this world has lost it's grip on me
Oh, You want me
Somehow You want me
The King of Heaven wants me
So this world has lost it's grip on me
God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh, how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To take my hands off of my life
And the way it should go, oh
God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh, how You love me
To open my hands up
And give You control
I give You control
Oh, give You control
Oh, I want to give You control
I give You control
You want me
Somehow You want me
The King of Heaven wants me
So this world has lost it's grip on me
Somehow that frees me"
