Grace Under Pressure: We Need to Be Courageous Enough to Forgive Others Even When they Ignore, Hate, Curse, and Talk Bad About You!


Casting Crowns - Courageous on YouTube

I have always liked this song! We all need to be courageous and be people of honor! Be people of good will! So few people today seem to be people of honor. Most elected or people in administration/management/elected are in it for the greedership only, they care more about lining their pockets than humanity and the good of all. The greed, corruption, fraud, selfishness, and mediocrity is so prevalent and overwhelming today in all  aspects of life it seems. We as people of good will and people of honor also need to be courageous enough to forgive others, forgive their blind leading the blind mentality, the greed, the corruption, the low standards and mediocrity.  We need to set the standard, be the people of good will, the people of honor. Courageous enough to not fall into the same trough that all the mediocre folks choose. Be courageous enough to forgive all of them that curse you, that hate you, that talk bad about you.  You know you are the winner! You have already proven it and God is on your side! They haven't won yet, they think that doing what they do will make them winners, but when you are not a person of honor, you will never be a winner. They can ignore you, they can hate you, curse you, and be so nasty, even ignore you, but you God loves you, he will always be there, He will never ignore you or forsake you, so don't worry about someone who is not a person of honor, a loser, unlike you, who ignores you, hates you, or talks bad about you. Be courageous, it is the blessing and miracle God has given you. He has already made you the winner, they know that and they is why they try to bring you down, but they can't. Be courageous! Like Ernest Hemingway said, "courage is grace under pressure.!" It is hard, it takes a lot, but people of honor, people of good will are courageous! 
