Our World and Its People: Ignoring and Ignorant/Ignorance: Blessings and Miracles Or Curses on Their Part

They say I’m mad, but look at them, breathing mediocre 
words and exhaling ignorance for dessert.

Many people ignore things, they ignore others, laws, rules, God, faith, respect for others, religion, church, the truth, etc. Many people live in ignorance, they live with greed, corruption, fraud, mediocrity, no ethics, standards, or principles. Many today have very low standards, they accept it, ignore concerns, cannot be bothered, and ultimately people lose respect for them and their poor leadership or greedership. Most people in charge today turn on the very upright people who follow the rules and are doing the right things who bring the violators to their attention.  It is ironic today that often the good people, the upright and righteous who are living with Spirit and God within have to deal with and tolerate so much mediocrity and so many greedy, bad, and ignorant people who are not willing to give it their all or to stand up for what is right. These people, a large majority today live in ignorance. They even turn on you when you bring the truth or show the right side of things to their attention, they take the side of the violator and bad people instead of the one who follows the laws, rules, or the truth. The ignorance today is an absurdity and part of the new normal of mediocrity and lawlessness that exist today in our communities, states, country, and society as a whole. Very few people are operating with God within, with Spirit! The bad attitudes today, the selfishness, the greed, the corruption, and fraud seems to be abound in our daily experiences. We either have to join the club and be part of it, or not accept all the mediocrity that is all around us today. Many people like to live in the mediocrity, they become it with their greed, selfishness, control, power, etc. We experience it daily as we go about each day, driving, in stores, calling on the phone, our government, most employees, so few live without Spirit and have dropped to the level of mediocrity in their attitudes and how they behave, respect, and respond to others. Our so called leaders today cannot be bothered with following laws, rules, and protocol and when you bring such violations and inequities to them, they turn on you, making you out to be the bad guy for demanding excellence and betterment for our environment and world. So few want excellence or practice it today, betterment, what is that? We the upright, righteous, and people in Spirit can pray that things improve or we can just limit and control our involvement in the mediocrity that exists, unfortunately today it is all around us, but we do not need to take part of it, do your best to live our lives of excellence and betterment, although so many ignore us, are ignorant, or live with such ignorance. We can be our own blessings and miracles even when we see so many do not want them with God in Spirit, they ignore you, and/or live in ignorance. We all have choices in life, to be part of the mediocrity, greed, and lawlessness, or to live with the truth with God and expect excellence and betterment for your life living with high standards and demanding them as much as possible although the powers that be ignore you or live in ignorance. When you live with high standards of excellence and betterment in your life you are being that blessing and miracle that God has made you to be! I am chosen, favored, and blessed!  Even if I am ignored, I am living with excellence and betterment in my life! I have become who God wants me to be and will live my life with excellence!
