
Showing posts with the label Ignore

Remain Silent and Ignore, Be a Peacemaker, A Disciple, More Like Jesus, Don't Validate these People, Only Jesus!

Ignore the Lies of the Devil, Don't Fall for his Slavery Like so Many Have Today!

Blessed When We Not Only Talk the Talk, But Walk the Walk! Keeping My Faith!

Blessed When you Hold Your Peace, Stay Silent, and Ignore Insignificant Distractions Keeping you from Your Best!

God's Greatest Blessing: Ignored by Humans, But Never By God!

Are You Able to Accept the Truth? Let It Be Told and Sink Deep Down in Your Soul!

Be A Person of Good Will and Honor With God in Your Heart, Not Ignorant, A Coward, and a Bully!

Our World and Its People: Ignoring and Ignorant/Ignorance: Blessings and Miracles Or Curses on Their Part