Keep Dodging The Envy and Hate, The Insecurity, and Revenge-God Has Given You A Light to Shine On Others!


Don't be offended by the persecution and hate, the people who are against you or try to stop you. There are always going to be opposition and envy. Some will try to bait you into conflict and strife, try not to take it, don't take the bait, pray for them, forgive them. Forgive the mediocrity and jealous and insecurities. God will take care of anyone that comes against you. His blessing is so much greater than anyone who may come against you and be mean or hateful toward you. Have high standards, trust in God. God's favor is greater than all who come against you and cause you stress or problems. Pray for them, pray for them to stop being bullies, cowards, ignorant in what they do or how they ignore you. Pray for all people even our enemies to see God, to get Him deep down in their souls, to connect with Spirit and become better people to make this world a better place for all of us! This is a summary of the message for Joel Osteen today on his church message today at his church.  God is so great, it is a free gift from Him, He offers to all of us, we are blessed, these are miracles from God, He gives to all of us, shine your light, don't be ashamed of Him, shine your light, pray for the haters and people who persecute you. Be a light no matter what for all of humankind! 
