Good Always Wins Over Evil! God is in Control, Only Put God on a Pedestal, Not People or So Called Leaders or Governments!


In these difficult times we are living in, with so many bad so called leaders and governments. With so many lies, so many evil doings, trying to kill off populations of people, causing chaos and no law and order, no logic, no God or religion, we all need to recognize that God is really in control. Bad people and so called leaders may cause a lot of grief for us all living on God's planet.  We need to turn to Him! Do not trust governments, so called leaders, people who say it is for the best of all of us, do not trust them. Just trust in the Lord, say Jesus I trust in you! Only put God on a pedestal! Not people! Do not trust our government who says it is the best for all of us, they lie, they cheat, they steal, they kill. Today most so called leaders, governments, and people who want a new world order and a reduction of population and complete control, do not really care about each one of us individually, not like God! God cares! He is here for each one of us. Put all your trust in God, He has promised us that good triumphs over evil in the end! Be as upright and righteous as possible. Be at peace and know when you trust in God, put all your trust and faith in our Lord, we have nothing to fear, although our government on this earth is constantly instilling fear and turmoil, do not pay any attention to it, top watching the news, stop listening to the so called leaders, the big harma, the killers and liars who cheat, steal, commit fraud, greed, and corruption, turn only to God, only put your trust in Him. His promises are the only real promises we can trust and believe in. This is the miracle and blessing God has promised and given all of us in all of His writings in His holy books. God will triumphs over evil, please believe in this in these difficult times!  Trust in God and His Good as it will triumph! 


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