
Showing posts with the label Governments

This Bible Verse by Peter Sums Up A lot for Us About How to Live and Love!

God's Protection: Staying on the Side of God and Following Jesus, Knowing Right from Wrong, Being Upright and Holy!

All Will Be Revealed! Secrets, Lies, Corruption, Greed, Selfishness, Evil, Wickedness, it is All Going to Be Exposed in the Light of God!

Live in the Light, Stay Away from the Darkness of this World, Against the Spiritual Wickedness in High Places as the Bible Tells Us!

Most Humans and Countries Just Want Peace!

Pursuing Righteousness, Godliness, Faith, Love, Endurance, and Gentleness!

Not Sure I Want to Be Remembered for a Golden Coffin! I Want to Go to Heaven not Hell!

Jesus Says to Beware of Men, We Will Be Hated By Others by Using the Name of Jesus, Endure to the End and be Saved!