God Performs Miracles, He Displays Power Among His People!


 “You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples.”
-Psalm 77:14 

God performs miracles! He has performed so many in my life and has given me so much strength to get through so much in life. He continues to do so! So many miracles I have seen for myself in my life and others. The stories I have read. I believe in miracles from God! All we need to do is believe, have faith, trust in the Lord and know He will bless us, He will perform many miracles in our lives if we believe. We live in a world of uncertainty, of war, of upset, strife, pandemics, and lies.  Many people have sold their souls to the devil, become slaves for him to do harm on our Earth. Pray for them, pray to St. Michael the Archangel, pray for a rid of all evil in our world and that God will protect us and keep us safe and perform miracles in our lives. To stop wars, to end bad leaders reigns on us, to make young people upstanding, to stop throwing rocks on roofs and upsetting others. We need to all pray for peace and pray that our God will perform many miracles and also display His power among us, His people! God give us the power and strength to get through this material world and bring us into your eternal world to Heaven with you someday when we leave this Earthly world. Amen!


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