God's Grace Blessed Me With So Much Peace and Prayer at the Beach Today! So so Grateful!


I love my beach time! My peace and prayer time with my Lord and Savior! I love coming here daily to be at the beach and be at peace in prayer with my God! To be there, see and experience and appreciate all of God's beauty is a wonderful thing! It is so nice to be in the ocean water, so medicinal and relaxing, so much peace, so much prayer, feeling God's grace in my life, His blessings and so much peace! I am grateful beyond all measure! Today and all days we are blessed by God's great grace! The beach is my special place to pray and be with God, it brings me so much peace. I cannot believe how much peace I have in my life lately, my job, my house, my spouse, the beach, church, gym, living in the country in our beautiful new home, I am so grateful for so much and give thanks to God for all the peace in my life. The beach is a blessing. God's grace is amazing in my life! The water seems to be warming up some too! What a blessing! His grace finds me! 

Here is a good song to remind us too of His great grace finding us:

Your Grace Finds Me by Matt Redman on GodTube
