Let Me Tell You About My Jesus and Let My Jesus Change Your Life!
My Jesus by Anne Wilson on GodTube
I love this song! I hear it almost daily on the radio! It is so catchy and so true! Let my Jesus change your life! He makes a way when you think there is no way! Let Jesus change your life! Jesus is a blessing and can make miracles in your life! Never doubt Him! So many people are afraid of Jesus, afraid of prayer and God, they do not want to take the time to go to church, not even one hour a week, not even listen for 30 minutes to a mass or Joel Osteen, they think they can live without God and Jesus in their lives, as if they can walk and live on this Earth without God, yet it is impossible, we need Him and He wants us to know Him, love Him, serve Him, and then spend eternity with Him in Heaven! Let me tell you about my Jesus, let my Jesus change your life! Feeling so so blessed and know that Jesus has something to do about it! He is changing my life! Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Hallelujah!
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