The Past Two Days We Had a Warm Up! Thank God! So Blessed! The Beach Was Pure Heaven!


So so blessed the past two days! Lots of sun, 80's and nice and warm! The beach was nice, the water is cold here, only like 68 degrees, it has dropped! It was still so lovely, pure heaven! God is great! He brings so much peace to us all. The snowbirds here were happy, lots at the beach. I saw these cute birds below, black heads, grey wings, and white with really orange long beaks, and black legs and feet webbed like ducks, I looked them up as to what type of ocean bird they are, they are called Royal Terns, it says they are more common on Florida's West Coast, but I have seen them on our side, East coast, a lot too. They were all lined up and about face like little soldiers, so cute! See my photo below, blow it up!  The beach is my paradise heaven space for peace and prayer and talking to God. I love going here every single day! It was so nice the past few days, today more clouds, rain, and cooler again. Anyway, so blessed and grateful to God for all His peace and beauty in this world. God is my rock and refuge, even with all the troubles in our world now, all caused by man, God is here for us, He is my rock and refuge and I am so grateful that he gave us this beach! So so blessed! 
