Blessed Knowing God Hears Me and Loves Me So Much! He is Good and Kind!


I Know by Big Daddy Weave on GodTube

I love this song so much! It is a wonderful reminder that God loves us so much! He hears us and is with us during the good times and bad times. He cares! He hears us when we speak and pray! I feel you so close God! I have seen enough to say that I know that you are good, I know that you are kind, I know that you are so much more than what I leave behind. I know that I am loved by you dear God! I know that I am safe, because even in the fire of life, to live as Christ, to die is gain with eternity with God! We do not always understand the sorrow, pain, illness, problems, loss, but God is the calm in the storm, while we may not understand it all, we have God and we never have to carry our cross alone. We do not need to be afraid or live with fear or worry, God is with us, He is here with us, he is always close. We have all seen enough to say, we know that God is good, He is kind, He is so much bigger than anything we do or leave behind. We have God on our side! He is here with us! Feel Him! Know and be blessed by His presence in our lives. Stay in constant prayer, find refuge always in God alone! We live in a war torn world, where war is big business, very sad. Don't forget to wear red today for St. Joseph's Day, I say one of his prayers daily. He was a fine person and saint. We need more people like St. Joseph today. It is too bad all the elected and so called leaders today are so weak and bad, war is their big business to make money, the ego, greed, selfishness is so bad for our world, they are all slaves of the devil, all elected, hurt our world so much. All devoid of God it seems, so sad. We just need to find refuge in God and all good people like St. Joseph, Jesus, Mary, etc. I know God is good! Prayer is all we can do today with all these bad so called leaders destroying our world. It is sad that war is the answer instead of negotiating and ending wars, all the leaders are bad, even in Ukraine, too many egos, not thinking of the collective of the entire countries. War is big business, that is why all love it, they are all making tons of money, especially the elected. Insider trading remember! Evil evil, slaves of satan. Know that God is good! He is with us! He will protect us from all of this evil! Put all your faith and trust in God alone! I know that He is good and kind! So so blessed! 
