Blessed Knowing Who I am to Be Loved by God!


Who I Am by Need to Breathe on GodTube

I love this song! It is a great reminder that God made us! He loves us so much! He wants us to know Him! To love Him!, To serve Him on this Earth! We may be broken, damaged, hurt, feel we are less than enough for anyone, but God made you, He created you before you were formed in your mother's womb, you are not less, you are so much to God! No one could ever love us like God does!  He made you, you come from royalty, you are children of our King and Savior. A prince or princess, royalty, never forget this!  When you think no one should love you like God does, He does! Who are you to be loved by God, you are His creation, His joy, He loves you so much! Never doubt His love for you, no matter what! We really are so blessed in this world, we are loved by our almighty Creator! He loves us so much! His love, favor, mercy, and forgiveness are all yours today and every single day. Enjoy the song and reminder, you are from I AM, God loves you so much! What a blessing! 
