Walk By Faith Trusting Only in God, Blessed Thinking About What a Wonderful God We Have!


Walk By Faith by Jeremy Camp on GodTube

I love this song! It is a great reminder as we live in this broken world! God is faithful! He was with Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and also with all of us too right now today! He pours His words of grace on us every single day! Even when we cannot see it, He is working for us and our good!  Walk by faith in God always even if you cannot see His works yet! We live in a crazy world today, a scamdempic, fraud, lies, greed, corruption, selfishness, evil so called leaders and elected and billionaires, selling their souls and all our countries and free will forgetting we have souls and we are from God not them! We cannot live in fear of these crazy people in control, they really are not, God is in control! Put all your trust and faith in God alone! Find refuge in Him! We have a world where the people want to control us, our free will, take away all our liberties, force people to be raped with an injection of something hurtful and unsafe/unknown. The Jews did rise up, the people rose up against Stalin, Mussolini, and many evils over time, many who become slaves of satan, slaves of the devil, we today can rise up too against them all! Jesus is for us! He is here, present today and will protect us, we can spend eternity with Him forever, He will get us through all of this greed, selfishness, and power/control of all these hateful and evil/wicked ways of people who want a new world order of  control and power. Wanting to even put chips in people, control how we think, how we feel, what we do, to make us conform. Say no! Say no to all of this evil! Turn to Jesus, walk by faith in Him alone! God is for us! Alleluia! 
