Blessed When you Hold Your Peace, Stay Silent, and Ignore Insignificant Distractions Keeping you from Your Best!


And they regarded Saul with contempt and did not bring 
him a gift. But he ignored the insult and kept silent.
-1 Samuel 10:27

I love this Bible verse and message! This prayer was from one from Joel Osteen this week, too very nice reminder! We are going to be faced with many distractions, hate, criticism, mean spirited people, and  challenges in our lives. It is all about how we react to them. Like Paul, then Saul, we need to become anew in God and feel His Holy Spirit and respond in a loving way, holding our peace, staying silent, ignoring insignificant distractions that can be personal and hurtful, instead take the high road, hold on to your peace, and know some people are always going to do things to hurt you or bring you down. Don't let them steal your joy, rob your peace, or get your goat! We need to hold our peace and take the high road knowing there will be many insignificant distractions in our lives and we will need to have to take the high road and have a good attitude in handling them. That is all we can do. Paul knew this well and although he was not accepted or believed by all, often casted out or sent away, he continued to preach the good news of the Lord and be an example of his message for God. We are called to do the same. God put dreams in our hearts for a reason. He hold our destiny in His hands. He is our defender! In the name of Jesus, you will be given grace by God when you need it because in the name of Jesus He has blessed you! 

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that You are the Most High God, and You hold my destiny in Your hands. Thank You that You are my great defender when I come under personal criticism and attack. Help me to ignore insignificant distractions that try to keep me from Your best. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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