Happier and More Blessed When We Follow Gods Laws!


Happy are those who perfectly follow the laws of God. 

Psalm 119:1

I love this Bible verse! How so true! We need to follow God! We need to follow His word and when we do, we are better for it! We are happier, more at peace, and see more blessings in our lives! So many people today forget this! They try to live without God and do not want to live by His laws and teachings. Life can be a lot easier for all of us and maybe we could even see more glimpses of Heaven here on Earth if we did, when we follow His teachings and commandments. It is not that hard, but so many today do not even try. People forget about God, religion, do not take the time, disregard laws, rules, morals, principles, and even the Ten Commandments. We have become a selfish, greedy, irresponsible society, not thinking of others of the world as a collective whole. We all can be happier though, all we all need to do is follow His laws, when we all do, the world can be so much better. I have noticed in my own life today as I get older and become closer to God and following better all His teachings that I am more at peace. I have many blessings and miracles I see all the time, each day is filled with a lot of peace and I feel closer to God, letting go, and letting His will be done. I really believe I am happier now and more blessed when I live with God and His Holy Spirit in me and follow His teachings! 
