Let it Rain God in My Life!


Let It Rain By Crowder feat. Mandisa on GodTube

I love this song! It is a good song, appropriate for today with all the rain we are getting! The song is another reminder that we cannot live without God! We need God in our lives! It is His will be done! We cannot trust in the things we see! We only can trust on the things God is working on for us what we cannot see, His will be done. Let it all rain down on us! Let God's rain come down hard on our lives, He is guiding us, Lord I need you more and more! Let it rain, let it pour, we need you evermore dear Lord! Thank you for the rain today! I am grateful for it each day! it keeps everything nice and clean and green, it also is a great reminder that you are in charge, it is all Your will be done, not ours, not humans. God please keep raining down on me each day! God who brings us the sunshine is the same God who brings the rain! We need the rain too! I need you more and more! Let Your will be done! 
