The Answer is Jesus and it Has Always Been Jesus!


 In Jesus Name (God of Possible) By Katy Nichole on GodTube

Lord I need You! The answer to all the problems in the world today is Jesus! People need to turn back to God! To find Jesus Christ and live with Jesus in your hearts! Jesus is the light, the truth and the way! Jesus is the answer to all our problems!  The world and our country is suffering today, there is a lot of pain, sorrow, anxiety, frustration, uncertainty, and lack of confidence in our elected and so called leaders.  So many problems in society without God. But there is power in the name of Jesus Christ! So much power in His name! Jesus is the answer to all our problems!  God is greater than all the problems in this world. He is greater than all the bad people who become slaves of the devil, with God, good and God will triumph over evil. In the name of Jesus Christ, He is the answer to all the problems of this world. Be disciples, help people learn this, help all find Jesus, to draw near to Him, to allow Jesus in the lives of all people, so they can be at peace and put to ease, we do not need to go through any problems alone here on this Earth School, Jesus was sent to us by our Father to be our everything! We are blessed when we know the answer to all the problems in our lives is Jesus Christ! Keep the faith! Find refuge in God! In the name of Jesus is the answer to all! 
