I Feel So Blessed That God is on the Move in My Life! And Always Has Been!


  God Is On The Move By 7eventh Time Down on GodTube

I heard this song again today, the other too I just posted, both in a row! I love them both and they both are so inspiring and great reminders! We need God and He is on the move in our lives! It is Him! Let the Lord work in many wonderful and mysterious ways! Let Him work in you! To do so many good things for our world and humanity! We need to be victors in this life! With God we are, we never have to be victims ever! Let Him move in you to do great things like He did with St. Mother Teresa. St. Francis of Assis, Dr. Jane Matanzo, Gandhi, President Uribe, Dr. Ben Carson, etc. God is on the move and He is doing so much in our lives to make a difference in this world. Turn it all over to Him, let His will be done! Praise the Lord because God is on the move in our lives! Hallelujah! 
