More Blessed By God When We Do Not Become Slaves for the Devil!


No Longer Slaves By Jonathan and Melissa Helser on GodTube

We do not need to become slaves of satan! We see so many people today who have! Their greed, selfishness, power, control, mediocrity all shine through and you can see how they are slaves, complete slaves to the devil! Most of our elected officials and so called leaders today have fallen into this trap set up by the devil, they think it is okay or fall for it, but it is not anything that makes them happy or gain a trusting reputation. This song, No Longer Slaves is a nice reminder that we should not, and cannot let ourselves be puppets or fall into becoming slaves of satan just for Earthly material or carnal gain. It is not healthy and God wants us to be free. We have to have some principles, some ethics, some moral compass in us and stand firm in God and what He wants for us, He does not want us to be consumed by anything on this Earth, we are reminded that all of this is only vanity. We need to set our focus on God alone and make our main mission in life to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus Christ! Don't become of slave, we have too many today who have fallen into this trap the devil sets up for us, don't let him trap you, enslave you, put you up to hurting you, your life, and your reputation. We are so much more blessed when we live as free humans here on Earth and abide by the teachings and commandments of our God and focus on God alone and making it our aim to spend eternity with Him in Heaven! Not as slaves of satan and spending all of eternity in hell with him. Heaven or Hell? Slave or free person? God or satan? We are more blessed when we choose God! 
