Blessed to be Rich in Jesus Christ!


There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing; 
And one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches.

-Proverbs 13:7

Money is not everything! So many people love to pretend and put on airs like they are rich or have more than they do. Many live way above their means accumulating many material things, but also much debt. A lot of people think becoming rich with money or material things is the way to go. As if it will give them peace! But, it doesn't! Peace comes from God and we need to learn from Him and other good people like Mother Teresa who contends that we need to live poorly and humbly. Be silent and always in prayer, focus on God and His teachings, commandments, and His will be done! We are more blessed when we live humbly and live poorly of things of this world and focus on the riches of God in Heaven and spending eternity with Him there in Heaven. Nothing of this world matters as the Bible says. This is an Earth School, are we going to pass to Heaven and spend eternity with God? We see today how all elected become slaves of satan and focus on accumulating wealth and power and end up becoming millionaires and billionaires when they leave office, they cheat, steal, commit fraud, and do corrupt things while in office and become rich accumulating much money and material goods, but poor in all other ways, they become slaves to the devil and lose all their respect by others. We all need to think about this as we live our lives, our main goal needs to be to spend eternity with God in Heaven, that should be our main objective in life over all the riches and material things of this world. We are more blessed when we are rich in Jesus Christ only, living poor and humbly on this Earth School! 

