Blessed When We Not Only Talk the Talk, But Walk the Walk! Keeping My Faith!


The world does not read the Bible, the world reads Christians! 

⏤ Charles Spurgeon

I like this quote! I like a lot of the quotes by Charles Spurgeon.  I have been hearing a lot about how we all talk the talk, but do not walk the walk, we can all speak a good message, but then we do not even practice what we preach. We can all be guilty of it or hypocritical. We see it in the news all the time all the elected and so called leaders disappointing us, cheating, lying, stealing, committing fraud and being corrupt. Even my spouse and I have seen it first hand in our priest, a real Pharisee, a Catholic priest who is supposed to be like Jesus or represent Him and he treats us so poorly. We see him at the gym and at church and he will not look at us or he even avoids us. Even if you say "hi" to him, he looks the other way and will not communicate with you. We have never seen a Catholic priest behave this way before. We love our faith and church and would never give up our religion for anything, even this issue with this priest denying and ignoring us, we will continue to keep the faith nonetheless and trust in God. He obviously has some issues or insecurities to work out and wants nothing to do with us, it is surprising to see from a Catholic priest, by he is human too, we see him at the gym, maybe he wants to be like a normal person there and does not want us to out him as a priest? Nonetheless, it is his problem more so than ours, he has to live with his actions. I told my spouse that at least we know how Jesus felt when Peter denied him and acting like he didn't know him. We have been going to this church about the same time as this priest came here, we like the church, the people, music and our faith, we are just taken back by this odd behavior from a Catholic priest. I guess that is why like in the Good Samaritan story, the same thing happened, the priest walked on the other side not aiding the person in need of help. There are many pharisees today as members of the clothe, it must be hard to be a priest in this day and age. Nonetheless we will pray for Father Matthew and hope he realizes how he makes us feel so denied by him as our priest. A lot of priests have their own struggles and demons to deal with.  He can talk the talk, but does not walk the walk of Jesus Christ. We will pray for him and just the same are blessed by our faith in Jesus Christ and our religion that we love. We will not let one bad apple ruin our faith! 

