Blessed by God to Pray and Give Thanks Constantly to Our King Savior!

Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.

 ⏤ Thomas Goodwin

What a nice quote today in the Mornings with God app! We all need to learn to pray, pray to God daily. We also need to learn to give thanks and count our blessings each day! I prayed a rosary last night during the hurricane storm, the wind was so strong. Thankful it seemed to subside some and I could sleep a little. Today I am counting my blessings that we did not have much damage or problems, although it was scary and very bad. I am grateful for my faith, God, and religion. God is great! Prayer and gratefulness is so important. We all need God in our lives. We need to pray, God wants us to. We also need to be thankful to God for all in our lives, there is always something good to be thankful for. Blessed the hurricane is out to sea and not bothering anyone now. Hope all stay safe and no one else is bothered by the storm. Thank you God! 
