Blessed By God's Perfect Peace and Will Always Trust in Him!


You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

-Isaiah 26:3

I love this Bible verse! We can always be in perfect peace when we trust in God! Isaiah has some of the best Bible verses! So uplifting and inspiring! We are put on this Earth School to learn a lot of lessons! Mostly, to live by God's  teachings and commandments. If we follow Him and trust in Him alone, have faith, we never really have anything to worry about in this Earth School world. We are not from this world! We need to make it our aim in life to get into Heaven, that has to be our goal, to spend eternity with God in Heaven, that is where we are really going! We should live by His teachings and commandments, trust in Him and do all the best we can here, so we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven when we leave this material and carnal world. Don't become consumed by this world, the material things of castles, palaces, jewels, gold, and all the money and power, know that man will always disappoint you, but God never will. Don't let things of this world bring you down or steal your peace, trust in God, work toward going to Heaven with Him to spend eternity there with Him, we can have perfect peace here on Earth and in Heaven all we need to do is put all our trust in God alone. We are more blessed when we do! 
