Blessed to Expect Miracles When We are Loyal Only to God Alone!
I demand your complete loyalty—you must not worship any other god! Don't make treaties with the people there, or you will soon find yourselves worshiping their gods and taking part in their sacrificial meals. Your men will even marry their women and be influenced to worship their gods.
-Exodus 43:14-16
to him, but he harshly punishes the arrogant. ... Love the LORD, all you his saints!
We are more blessed when we are loyal only to God alone! The Bible talks about this a great deal in several passages. My readings today from my Book from Dodie Osteen, Choosing Life One Day at a Time had Bible verses about loyalty the past few days. Very apropos for the past few days with such talks in the news about things like this. Loyalty to a king, queen, government, or so called leaders and elected will never bring peace or blessings. They are not the true King, they are not true royalty, maybe in name alone, but they are not God! Be loyal to only God, not humans or aliens. We are easy swayed and fragile peoples, God gave us free will, but we need to read, understand, heed, follow His teachings and commandments and be only loyal to Him alone, He is our just King and Savior who will protect and bless us, even bring us miracles often times. He is so great! We must only be loyal to Him alone! Today we have our governments wanting us to believe they are God, they are in charge, they have control of all, even us and our bodies and minds. They don't don't listen to them! Don't worship a manmade king, queen, or some elected or priest or police officer. Man was not put on this Earth School to be worshipped or to be loyal to, only God! I personally think all and any governments and monarchs should be abolished, all their wealth and power should be turned back over to the people, the poor, the marginalized, and the disenfranchised. Let all these so called kings humble themselves to the people to give all their wealth, palaces, castles, and riches away, back to the people and the poor, to live like the poor like Saint Mother Teresa talks about. Governments and manmade kings and queens just want to control people, God doesn't, He wants to bless us, to give us all the miracles He has for us in this Earth School, he loves us so much as we can see in all these Bible verses, we need to only worship Him alone. Be wise to humans who entrap, who lie, who try to control, and pretend they are God, they are not! Never put any human being, king, or government, or person on a pedestal, only God! We as human beings are more blessed in life when we turn to God and only worship Him, only are loyal to Him, only treat Him as our King and Savior!
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