Blessed When We Obey God and Concern Ourselves on What He Thinks Alone!


"Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said" we ought to obey God rather than man."

-Acts 5:29

We are more blessed when we are more concerned with what God thinks about us than with other people think of us. God is who matters, only God! He made us and has approved us! We have His stamp of approval and that is all that matters. We are more blessed when we remember this and focus only on what God thinks, and living for Him, not for the approval of man. We must obey the teachings and commandments of God alone. I saw this Bible verse today and thought it was a nice reminder. We often get too wrapped up with this Earth world and consume ourselves with Earthly and man made concerns, instead, we must live for God alone and serve only God, obey Him, and not man. We should never seek approval by man, only God! We are more blessed when we live by this philosophy. We have God's approval, that is all that matters! 
