
Showing posts with the label Man

Instruments in a Common Band: Oh God is Watching over Us! We Need to Have Hope and Love!

God is the One Who Has All Authority Over Us! Trust Only Jesus! Honor and Obey Only God!

Blessed to Know God Knows my Thoughts and Intentions, He Knows My Heart and Judges Unlike Man Does!

More Blessed By God's Word and Wisdom Not Man's!

Blessed to Trust in God and Always Have Him on My Side!

Blessed When We Obey God and Concern Ourselves on What He Thinks Alone!

Blessed When We Take Root in God and live with the Holy Spirit Only and Not Let Humans Bring us Down!

Blessed with God's Gifts and Graces, Not Asking For or Wanting Anything More, But His Peace!

Washed By The Blood of Christ Blessed! Trusting in Him Alone and Not Living with Fear Instilled by Man!