Blessed When We Totally Surrender Ourselves to God, Humble Ourselves, Live Like the Poor!
I love this book by Mother Teresa! Saint Teresa! I am reading it now. I always say, I never put anyone on a pedestal except God! Jesus Christ is my King and the only one I prostrate to! We are all His children, all princes and princesses of royalty, we are God's, the King's children, royalty. We are as royal as any manmade person who says they are royalty like the monarchs of today, in Britain, Spain, etc. I honestly think they are silly made up titles, and immature, senseless today, silly. They should abolish all such monarchs and give all their money, palaces, castles, and jewels to the poor like it says in the Bible, from the mass readings from last week, they have no chance of getting into Heaven until they do. I love this book written by Mother Teresa, Total Surrender. Her describing what her sisters and her did to help the poor, the children in the streets, the needy, how they became like Jesus and humbled themselves to love and help all of them. I wish more so called leaders, and monarchs, elected, and royalty, would do more of this, give all their wealth to help the poor and disenfranchised. We need to help all the poor and marginalized groups, no live like queens in palaces, jet setting and having servants and thinking we are better than others, like some nobility. It is all silly and manmade, and in this day and age, there really is no room for such royalty. Plus, we are all children of God, so we are all royalty, one person is not more than another, whether born into it or not, it is mad made only. I would respect all monarchs today if they humbled themselves enough to completely abolish their monarchs/nobility and just be ordinary citizens. Can any of them really get into Heaven the way they live now? You have to wonder this about most elected today and so called leaders, there is so much fraud, corruption, greed, and mediocrity from most elected today, no real leadership at all, so many, most are not even qualified to be in leadership positions, they kiss their way up, sweet talk, fudge their docs. It is hard to find good, caring, humble, people who want to serve the poor like Mother Teresa did, who gave up all to help the poor, and refused to live in a palace or castle or with any wealth at all, she wanted to live poorly like Jesus did to reach those lowly people in need. I wish we would see the so called royalty/nobility/monarchs of today, be humble and abolish all and give it all to the poor and be more like Christ and Mother Teresa to help the poor. I think when we we have total surrender to Jesus then we can be truly blessed in this life here on this Earth School! We know why Mother Teresa became a saint and why most elected, so called leaders, and nobility never will be saints and will have a very hard time getting into spending eternity in Heaven with Jesus.
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