Blessed by His Honesty and Some Good Quotes by Thomas Paine!


He who dares not offend cannot be honest. 

-Thomas Paine

I like this quote and then discovered I like many by Thomas Paine and put a few here on my blog. Very powerful! So often we as humans never want to offend or hurt the feelings of others so we soften the truth or are not truthful. Today people do not like people who are blunt, frank, or are hardcore truthful. They prefer you sugarcoat all, which is not healthy for our society. The truth matters! We as humans need to start being truthful more. We see to much dishonesty today, mostly from our elected, government, and people in charge, administration, so called leadership, and all running all today in our world. Lies are abound, we hear them and are fed them daily! It is sad to see and hear in some of the truthful news to see the lies and our our own government and their agencies are liars and corrupt. Very very sad. I am sure many of our forefathers are turning around in their graves. Today it is hard to find or identify many good elected, most go into it for the money, power, and to be self serving, not to serve the people of the good of our community or government. So self-serving today! So many lies. So corrupt! It is sad to see. We all need to be truthful, be prayerful, and to be God centered good people for our humanity as a whole! We are all more blessed as a people and civilization when we are more honest and more upright, more godly, more saintly, we all need to live as good people making it our objective in life to get into Heaven, not cheating, lying, being greedy, and corrupt like we see today from our elected and government and so called leaders. We need to not worry about offending so much and just be honest!  Remember that in the Bible it says men lie, they allow themselves to become slaves to Lucifer and lie, so trust only God and do your best to live upright, holy, honest lives for peace in this world for our future generations! 
