
Showing posts with the label Holy

God Wants us to Follow the Example Jesus Gave Us, He Wants us to Reflect Jesus and Stop Sinning!

We Have a Holy Calling! Will You Follow and Reflect Jesus?

May We Reflect the Holiness of Jesus to Others in Our Lives!

So Much Great Advice from the Bible: Be Holy Because Jesus is Holy!

James Offers a Warning to the Rich, We All Need to Heed, Be Upright and Holy, Do the Will of God!

God's Protection: Staying on the Side of God and Following Jesus, Knowing Right from Wrong, Being Upright and Holy!

Blessed When God Helps us to Make our Little Spot of the World Holier, Brighter, Sweeter, Happier!

Our World Needs to Stop Sinning! Especially Our Elected, So-Called Leaders, and Powers that Be!