Blessed Each Day by the Miracles of Jesus Christ in My Life!


…for they still didn’t understand the significance of the miracle 
of the loaves. Their hearts were too hard to take it in.

-Mark 6:52

Miracles are abound in our lives. Even the air we breath or how we meet our spouse, or the mother we are given by God. All miracles. Jesus performed so many miracles, yet today, there are still so many people in our world that do not believe in Jesus Christ and who He really is---God!  God is doing a lot in our lives each day, many miracles, we sometimes forget the power of God, we have harden hearts, we become complacent and forget about God, but we really need to believe and make Him the center of our lives. Joel Osteen says we need to consider our history, he says in his prayer email today that, in "today’s Scripture, the disciples had just seen Jesus feed some fifteen thousand people, one of the greatest miracles ever recorded. A few hours later, they were caught in a night storm in a boat on a lake and terrified until He got into the boat, and the winds and waves calmed immediately. The Scripture tells us that they were so worried because “they didn’t consider or understand the miracle of the loaves.” If they had just remembered what God had done, they would have stayed in faith. Are you letting your circumstances, a medical report, or a financial situation cause you to live worried, stressed out? Why don’t you start considering your miracles? You have a history with God. Remember the time God showed up and suddenly turned it around. Every victory He’s given you wasn’t just for that time; it was so you could go back and use that as fuel to build your faith. If you are low on faith, go back and get some fuel. It’s in your past victories."

A Prayer for Today by Joel Osteen

“Father, thank You for the history that I have with You and for the mercies that You have shown out in my life. Thank You that I can remember every victory You’ve given me and use it as fuel to build my faith. I believe You have the final say in all things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
