Beach Blessed Roses Bring Hope and Beauty to Hurricane Nicole Shut-in Times!


What beautiful roses! I found them on the beach the day before the hurricane came, Nicole. They were all washed up, but all new and in tacked, they even had some babies breath and laurel in them, I brought them home, rinsed them off, and put them in a vase. They look so nice! They have been a constant beauty to enjoy during these past few days of being shut in from the Tropical Storm Nicole.  It was bad last night, scary, we got all our shutters up and did all the prep. We said our rosary and prayers, it worked, we were fine again, like with Ian, not much damage, and the rosary calmed us so we could sleep. God certainly does work in mysterious ways. He is our great God, always there protecting us, looking out for us, giving us strength to get through all the storms. The beach has been rough lately, with the King Tides, full moon, and then the hurricane, it has been hard. I feel bad for all who died or had loss from the past two bad storms. God was good to us, the storm came very close both times, maybe even part of the eye went over our house, but luckily, we did not get the damaging winds like north of us. God is always with us! Always blessing us and protecting us. Thank you Father! 
