Blessed to Be Chosen By God and Trying So Hard to Not Sin so to Go to Heaven and Spend Eternity with Jesus!


If damnation and Hell are pleasant to you, then it is no wonder that you go on in sin. 

⏤ Richard Baxter

I saw this quote this morning in my Morning with God App. So so true. So many just keep on sinning, they do not care, do not even think there is a God, nor fear anything or want to follow God's Commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ! It is sad today we see so much sin. Especially from our elected officials, so called leaders, and power that be in our world. They have become so corrupt, greedy, selfish, self-serving, and do so much that hurts the populations and constituents they represent. It is sad to see, all we can do is pray. Please pray for all of us who sin. That we change from our wicked ways and sin no more. To turn to Jesus Christ and live like Him here on Earth so that we can then spend eternity in Heaven with Him someday. We need to turn from sin. We need our elected to be more God-like, not so evil and wicked. It is sad to see this! Pray pray pray! Our world needs a lot of prayers! We all need to stop sinning and follow Jesus Christ! 


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