What Can one Complain About? Blessed to Have God, My Spouse, Family, and This Beach in My Life!

In the USA and world, many complain too much! There is too much hate and discord. Too much division, war, and mediocrity from our so called leaders and government and powers that be, the only one we need to worry about is God and focus on Him alone and find refuge in Jesus Christ! He is our King and our Savior!  He gave us this beautiful beach and all of nature to enjoy! What a blessing! We have a great Father who loves us so much! Look at what He gave us! While on this Earth School, let us be people of good will! Love all people, judge less, follow the commandments of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ and just do our best to be good people on this journey. This is not our home! Heaven is our home with Jesus Christ where we can spend eternity with Him, that is all that matters while on this Earth, do your best, but make it your goal to do what is right so to live an eternity in Heaven with Jesus Christ when we leave this planet. Complain less, count your blessing more! Look what He gave us! 

