Focus on the Here and Now, Trust God, Prepare, Be People of Goodwill, Jesus is Coming Back to Judge! Be Righteous!


That put far away the evil day. 

- Amos 6:3

The Mornings With God App had a nice Bible verse and write-up today to think about and reflect on. We have to be careful not to think about the negative or be critical or think in the bad. Trust God and put all in his hands.  We need to learn not to be afraid and trust in the Lord always.  The App today said, "We are taught not to borrow trouble. “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” It is not right for us to look forward, imagining troubles that may come to us after a while, or even forecasting trials which we must meet by and by. The true Christian way of living is to do the duty of the present day faithfully and well, leaving all the issues in God’s hands. But if a man has a note of a thousand dollars to meet on a certain day, it will not do for him to put off all thought about the matter until the day comes to find him unprepared. He must get ready to pay the note when it falls due. We must lay up in summer days, when harvests are golden, for winter days, when it will not be possible for us to gather food. We must prepare for the days of old age by activity, diligence, economy, and carefulness in the days of early manhood. We must prepare for the day of judgement by living in such a way that when we stand before Christ we shall not be afraid." We are reminded to live upright good lives, being people of goodwill, Christ-like, Christian, holy. Stay away from evil, put far away all evil and evil people. Stay focus on the goodness of God and remain joyful in Christ! He is coming back someday! 


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