Remain Joyful, Even with Hate, Judgement, and Persecution, Rely on the Holy Spirit, He Will Speak for You!


Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.

-Mark 13:11

I saw this Bible verse today in my Yahoo page. I enjoy reading the Bible and have read a lot of verses over the years, I have read the entire Bible once and started again. Now, I read Bible verses daily and in church each week. There is so much to glean from the Bible, it is a guide on how to live on this Earth School! When we see injustice, hate, judgement, mediocrity, so many problems, even persecution, we do not always have to speak or worry. Turn it all over to God, let the Holy Spirit work in us, let Him speak for us when we are on trial or arrested or judged, or persecuted. We are blessed when we have God in us! When we live with the Holy Ghost and allow God to lead us, instruct us, guide us in life. We need to turn it all over to Him, let His will be done in our lives, do not worry, stop watching TV, the news, listening to the lies from the government and media. Today it is almost safer to be an Amish and live like them, don't let them into your inner sanctum, your life, your faith, your trust in the Lord, just let God control you. The outside world today is controlled by slaves of satan, they want your soul, they want to control you and bring you down, for this reason, people need to tune out most media, news, and government mediocrity/waste/corruption and focus on God and the good He brings to us! God is good, not the government and media. Pure evil slaves of Lucifer. They lie, God will not! With God you have hope, the government does not offer this, they cannot, they are not God! Jesus is the only way. Listen to Christian music. Watch Christian TV, news, and shows. Stay in faith, live with the Holy Spirit and remain joyful this Christmas and always! It is the only way we can get through this Earth School of thorns! Don't worry, just trust in the Lord this Christmas and always! He is for us! 
