All Lives Matter to Jesus! All We Need to do is Follow Him in the Light!
Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life.
-John 8:12
Too many people today walk in darkness! They refuse to follow Jesus or walk in the light. They sin and do so many bad and selfish things, sometimes evil, and self-serving things, greed, fraud, and mediocrity are all a big part of the problems in today's world. Jesus offers us something better, life eternal with Him in Heaven if we follow Him and His light of life! He wants us to follow Him! To do what is right, be people of goodwill, to be obedient to His commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ! It is hard for a lot of people. Many just do not want to take the time to follow Him! They prefer to live in darkness and sin. We all have a choice in life, we can either follow Jesus and live in the light and have peace and joy from Him, or we can live in darkness and a life with little meaning or worth. I prefer to live in the life of Jesus with His light, following Him! Blessed by the light of Jesus!
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