Blessed to Be Trained and Learned Discipline, What Peace and Pleasant Times it Brings in Life Now!
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
-Hebrews 12:11
It is all in His hands! You are blessed if you have or had parents who have God in them and are living with the Holy Spirit and have taught and used discipline to train and mold you, to that fruit of God to have so much peace in your life! It really matters. Today, we can see it is not happening as much anymore. Most young are not always trained, disciplined, and taught by God's people to yield the peace, the fruit of righteousness, what a blessing! I had great parents! Parents who loved me and took me to church, taught me my faith, raised me, loved me, and disciplined me, they trained me to be upright and well trained in the fruit of righteousness. I really like this Bible verse, it is a good reminder about a major ill in this country and world today, so many lack discipline or training, they lack knowing Jesus, knowing God and a faith and religion, a trust in God who loves us so much!
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